Sunday, 28 December 2014

The Triple Truth

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)


Saturday, 20 December 2014


  (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Mirror of Ourselves

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Be Practicing Buddhist

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Marriage (Part II)

Companions cohabitating together is like the usual meals you eat everyday. When one becomes bored with it, one might tend to find other varieties. Marriages are like home cooked banquet. Even if it’s a very small banquets, it’s the most sumptuous and appreciative. Having children after marriage is a banquet that is most appetizing and nurturing. To have children is one’s loves toward Creation. To be responsible for their well-being and welfare are a great and invaluable virtue and gratitude to your Creator and Creation.

                                                                                                                  Sakia Buddha

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Marriage (Part I)

The word and impression of love is very general and  imperfect. It can be good or bad. The greatest virtue is to nurture and guide our offsprings correctly so that they will cultivate wisdom. Nothing is perfect only will it be perfect. There are no perfect person as our marriage partner. It belongs to fairytales and make believes. Most importantly is, to live with each other imperfection and cultivate strengths thus eradicate weaknesses in one another. When one is truly in heart ready for marriage, they will attract like mindedness.

                                                                                                            Sakia Buddha

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Realization Instead of Gain Merits

How do we say that the teachers are wrong in their teachings when they haven’t reach the higher level of realization?

Just like a baby picking up anything on the floor and putting it into his mouth. We can’t says the baby is stupid or wrong because the realization is not there. Anything that we do, we must realize it not because to gain merits but we do it from our heart and we want this world to be a better place.

If one do it out of gaining merits, then it’s not beneficial. So its falsehood that religions ask us to do good to collect points so that we will go to Heaven.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Power of Mindfulness

When one is mindful, one will never be influenced by evil. People who are ignorant or weak will, not educate or improved themselves, lack self discipline will be influenced or even possessed by evil. 

Evil flees from people who are always trying to better and improved themselves, whether is in academic physiological or mental state. When one is positive in thinking, evil fears this most and will choose only those who are negative.

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Sunday, 26 October 2014

The Method to Attain Nibbana

One day, a Reverend and a group of monks and nuns were walking across the forest to another village, when they happened to see a very beautiful maiden in her silk gown by a river and it was wet due to the splashes, so obviously her flesh had shown more then it should have. When she saw these monks walking past, she pleaded them to assist her to the other side of the stream. The monks quickly avoided and ignored her, and distanced themselves away hurriedly. The Reverend, who was behind, went up to the fair maiden, picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the other side. The monks and nuns walked in strange, awkward, silence, questioning and whispering quietly among themselves on what the Reverend had done. Not long after the Reverend attained Nibbana. After the incident and many hours later as the Reverend had observed, he asked the monks and nuns,“why is it that you still carry the maiden in your mind while I have discarded the thoughts after I had carried her over the stream?” To attain Nibbana is to detach yourself from it. That is enlightenment which only can one attain thus. To pursue and desire Nibbana is like pursuing happiness. To attain Nibbana, one should be knowing instead pursuing. Same for happiness, knowing it comes from within, then this is true happiness and bliss. Ultimately its emptiness, evanescent and transient.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 17 October 2014

The Progressive Buddha's Dharma Applicable to This Modern World

All Celestial Beings keep upgrading themselves. Buddha’s dharma is Progressive and the same time universal to everyone on earth. 

Though Buddha is not here in the Human world, HE has HIS channels to update HIS dharma on current Humans’ development. We must practice wisdom and without superstitions to apply HIS principles and teaching that is applicable to this modern world.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 11 October 2014

The Basic Cause of Eating Meat

Q: Buddha loved animals and protected them. If we do the same action, do we have to be a vegetarian?

A: Thousands of years before Buddha, human origin ate meat. What Buddha meant is we protect and love animals and we shouldn’t kill them for our lust for eating or fun like hunting. We only eat meat or supplement our body need for a balance diet of nutrients and source of protein.


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Saturday, 4 October 2014

Advancement of Technology Protect the Eco-system

Q:  Talking about technology. We humans have to update ourselves from time to time with the advancement of technology so our living life becomes much more better? Is it possible that the new or advance technology won’t destroy the Eco-system or lively-hood?

A:  Yes, a very clear example is like in Highlands. Tree and hills are chopped and leveled to grow more vegetable. It’s very tragic for nature ecosystem and environment so that we have more vegetables on our tables. Everyday thousands hectares of trees and forest are cleared for agriculture around the world. We should strive to educate ourselves and develop advance technologies that will help the world. For example Solar, gravity & magnetic energy, and sewage treatment, health science and medical technology. In future will make us less dependent on fossil fuel and thus a healthier civilization. Also Buddhist must develop advance military armaments to protect themselves from being bullied or attacked by Evil (countries) sought to undermine and oppose their beliefs and sovereign. We must be strongly against deforestation and environmental destruction, and pollution whether it’s land or sea so that our ecosystem and global environment will be beneficial to humankind. We must do all these so as to protect our health and well-being. With all this, we strive to keep our body healthy; hence we eat much less food as our body burn food more efficiently. Health is also a very important part of the ecosystem.

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as possible)

Friday, 26 September 2014

Karaniya Metta (Loving Kindness) Transmits Love and Protection

Buddha says that everyone is responsible for his own salvation. When we want protection or healing for our loved ones, one of it we can do is the Karaniya Metta (Loving Kindness) which transmits love and protection to the people we intended for. Most importantly, we must cultivate the Buddha mindfulness or awareness so that we are better protected and guarded ourselves towards health issues or physical danger. Remember about the smile or goodwill that would safe the life.

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as possible)

Friday, 19 September 2014

Words are Vibration

Good and bad vibrations are from words and thoughts. When we direct these good thoughts to a person, he or she will undoubtedly receive it. Its make stronger when its combine with rituals or chanting, even more stronger vibration if it’s accompanied by visualization of a recipient.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 12 September 2014

Books Beneficial for Buddhist to Study

What kind of Sutra or Mantra or Buddhism Reference books beneficial for us to study?

i)     Any teaching that say one must do rituals so that the person will have a better chance of salvation and go to Heaven is not beneficial.
ii)    Any teaching that say if one do not believe it then one will go to Hell is not beneficial.
iii)  Any teaching that say the World is evil and we are born here to suffer and one must believe them so that they will go to Heaven is not beneficial.

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 5 September 2014

Daily Self Nutrition

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Friday, 29 August 2014


Karma is a state of a belief in a faith and faith can be very blind as you notice the turmoil around the World cause by faith. Would you say it’s because of religions there is karma or because of karma there are religions in which conflicts arises even among itself. A person being blind, is it karma or circumstances? When one is suffering from any circumstances, whether physical or mentally, the anguish soul is been nurtured, learn and grow from the experience, in which one choose to overcome it or detach from it, hence becoming a better person. This is where the Buddha and Enlightened Beings always remind us, be mindfulness. You become and attract what you think. You are what you are today because of what you thought of in the past.

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 22 August 2014

Understanding About Meditation

Q1:  What should we understand the meditation from Buddha?
A1:  When we meditate, we still our mind. It’s during this state that we are closes to the Buddha in us or our Creation. The essence of meditation is that we will be attune to our Creator and have wisdom. Buddha discovered that HIS blissful life as a prince and HIS sufferings as an ascetic didn’t bring HIM Enlightenment. That is why HE propounded the middle way. It’s a pity this true essence of HIS discovery is rarely being taught in dharma’s classes nowadays.

    Meditation will make you close to Buddha in you. When Buddha finally still HIS mind and release HIS attachment of attaining enlightenment that HE achieved the perfect truth and realization hence Enlightenment.

Q2:  If meditation don’t have any beneficial for me, what should I do?  I do feel emptiness.
A2: Buddhism is a philosophy and guidance to be a wise and better person. Apply and practice it to be successful and happier in our daily life and interaction with ourselves and others. The realization is the true essence of all that is here in this world of false teachings and our very five senses. The Essence of Truth and Realization is what Buddha is trying to tell you. It’s not about chanting, meditating, and  praying. A daily kind wise deed irregardless to people, animals or environment is more beneficial than all the rituals  that we do in a day. Realization is what Buddha really wants us Buddhist to be, progressive and advancement in this technology world. 

Meditation is beneficial if one wants to do it for recharging, calming, and distressing or even finding solutions to challenges or problems. It's not beneficial if one does it to seek Nibbana. Religion is like a bonus or spices in life. Human can live without it too. 

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 9 August 2014

The Truth of Happiness

One is happy because one is grateful; and not because one is grateful because one is happy. Simply, if you are grateful and thankful for everything, you are welcoming and accepting happiness into your being.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 26 July 2014

Hungry Ghost

The inhabitants live in this dark and damp pits and gullies with caverns. These inhabitants are half naked, dark, bony and always scurrying around between caverns. These are what human called hungry ghosts. The Overseers there stands on the pits above and watch over it. Human souls who are ensnare or binded there lived above these pits in old abodes with lamps because these World are always dark. Even in the ‘daytime’, above them the ‘skies’ are very gloomy and heavy with thick dark clouds, liken to rain but never. The other World related to Human souls rebirth is the Yin World. It’s an very Old World like in the 60’s. Another is the Future World. It’s about 50 years in advance of this Present World. In the Future World, we can see World events that this Present World currently heads to. From the Future World, good or evil can change the Present World for the better or worst.

Q:   Is there anything that we human can do to help this hungry ghost? No matter what religion you are do every human beings follow the same procedure to go where they should after they have died?
A:   Yes. By not recognizing the ghosts festival. Not participating in it and no rituals and worshipping Yama King. This dark energy will slowly weaken and dissipate. All this worshipping contribute to the Negative Evil energy getting more empowered. Human should cultivate Buddhahood and pray to their Creator. Human should try their best to cultivate positively in themselves and others, and protect and nurture their environment. Yes. Places of worships where congregations fear Satan, respect Yama King, recognize Hell as punishment will be binded by their souls due to their fear or beliefs. Preachers or Teachers who subject the fear of Hell into their believers are corrupted with Evil and these places of Worship must be avoided at all cost. Evil feeds from the fear and ignorance of innocent human souls.

Ghosts are evil energy masquerading as the dead person. When a person dies, it leaves an energy shell of its physical form after the soul passes on. Sometimes evil enters this shell and inhabits it and causes havoc. It’s then what human called ghost. It is very sad that humans are being mislead that their loved ones that pass on needs hell money etc. to be burned for them so they would have money to buy food so they would not go hungry. These beliefs bind their loved ones’ soul binded in the horrible Dark World.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 25 July 2014

Path After Death

When a person dies, their soul will naturally go to Purgatory to view themselves watching a story on a big movie screen. On important moments like they should or should have done. Then the souls will be interview by the Judgment Lords and Panels. Only if they realized that they are wrong will this soul go to the next level called Realization Reflection, then Karmic Acceptance, Advisory, Self Judgment, Rehabilitation and Reconciliation, Freewill Selection, Rebirth and Guidance. On the other hand, those that worship or pray to Ghosts, Demons, Spirits and Hell King, their souls are so binded and ensnared by this negative energy that humans created, their soul either become so heavy, sink to the Dark Horrible World which empower this Dark Forces that feed on their soul’s energy. Many innocent humans don’t realize this because it’s been passed on for generation.

There are these being called Light Workers(LW). These beings will consoled and awaken these souls who doesn’t realized they are dead or feel very sad by their worldly attachment. Evil energy which feeds on these soul energy will lure or compel them to be with them. The duty of this LW is to protect and embrace them from this evil. It’s a very challenging task because these souls don’t accept their death and move on. Evil will take the opportunity not to let them move on, but instead advice them to go and see, and be near their loved ones. So these poor souls will remain in a dream state and earthbound. Most, if not all will haunt their family or others or create another tragedy so they can be “release” but it doesn’t. That’s where LW comes and wrest these lost souls from Evil and guide them towards the Light and Purgatory.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Dismiss The Realm of Hell

Lord Buddha have dismissed the realm of hell in the new dharma. HE says one have to transcend Death as a new beginning of a new life. Be open about death, discuss it and not to fear it. Death is part of life just as life is part of death. When one knows that after Death, it is just like a new adventure to learn, explore and see new things. 

Lord Buddha says that Death is just like when one wakes up and find himself in a new place or country one have never been before. Death is not to be feared but to accept and understand it’s part of the Cosmic plan to help one to advance further into the most fascinating and wonderful way.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Flame of The New Dharma

Lord Buddha wants HIS Followers to always say kind or motivating words to someone even if it’s a stranger. Even if it’s one person’s heart that can be lifted, it is more than the chants and prostrating to HIM or Pusas in a day. It’s this that will carry the flame of the new dharma and pass it on. 

Lord Buddha is truly please that anyone who can inspire or lift someone’s heart and mind. Irregardless of all religions, creeds, or ethic, this flame of the new dharma will be generously given by HIS followers. When they do this, Lord Buddha will be very near and close to them and loves them dearly. After they have done this good action, they can choose to chant HIS name, pray to GOD or whatever Buddhist ritual they are accustomed to and meditate goodness, they will experience profound positive changes in their life. 

Lord Buddha also wants HIS followers to be thankful and grateful always, no matter what the condition or situation they are in now.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 18 July 2014

Radiant Smile Exercise

P/S: Spend 1 to 2 minutes looking into the mirror and smiling to yourself before the radiant smile exercise started.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 11 July 2014

Buddhist New Concepts

“Buddhist must change their concept, they can be compassionate and kind but must not be weak and be bullied. Buddhist must learn new technologies to help mankind and protect their beliefs. Buddhist must change their precepts that to born into this world is not to suffer but to improve and better mankind and earth and be happy. Buddhist must not always think of chanting and doing rituals so that their life would be better or going to heaven when they pass on. Buddhist should never because of beliefs, become monks or nuns because they owe too much to their parents not to procreate and have off springs who may one day become good contributor to mankind. Then shall them be the children of my Heaven.”

                                                 by Thataghata Buddha

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Friday, 4 July 2014

Buddha's Last Word

Sakyamurni Buddha last word:
"Everyone is responsible for his own salvation.  
No Pusas or Buddhas can help in your enlightenment or Nibbana except yourself. 
  Be mindful and have wisdom in everything that you do or think..." 
  and HE left this world.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)


Please free to ask any question pertaining spirituality and i will try to answer as soon as possible.