Friday, 11 July 2014

Buddhist New Concepts

“Buddhist must change their concept, they can be compassionate and kind but must not be weak and be bullied. Buddhist must learn new technologies to help mankind and protect their beliefs. Buddhist must change their precepts that to born into this world is not to suffer but to improve and better mankind and earth and be happy. Buddhist must not always think of chanting and doing rituals so that their life would be better or going to heaven when they pass on. Buddhist should never because of beliefs, become monks or nuns because they owe too much to their parents not to procreate and have off springs who may one day become good contributor to mankind. Then shall them be the children of my Heaven.”

                                                 by Thataghata Buddha

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

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