Saturday, 26 July 2014

Hungry Ghost

The inhabitants live in this dark and damp pits and gullies with caverns. These inhabitants are half naked, dark, bony and always scurrying around between caverns. These are what human called hungry ghosts. The Overseers there stands on the pits above and watch over it. Human souls who are ensnare or binded there lived above these pits in old abodes with lamps because these World are always dark. Even in the ‘daytime’, above them the ‘skies’ are very gloomy and heavy with thick dark clouds, liken to rain but never. The other World related to Human souls rebirth is the Yin World. It’s an very Old World like in the 60’s. Another is the Future World. It’s about 50 years in advance of this Present World. In the Future World, we can see World events that this Present World currently heads to. From the Future World, good or evil can change the Present World for the better or worst.

Q:   Is there anything that we human can do to help this hungry ghost? No matter what religion you are do every human beings follow the same procedure to go where they should after they have died?
A:   Yes. By not recognizing the ghosts festival. Not participating in it and no rituals and worshipping Yama King. This dark energy will slowly weaken and dissipate. All this worshipping contribute to the Negative Evil energy getting more empowered. Human should cultivate Buddhahood and pray to their Creator. Human should try their best to cultivate positively in themselves and others, and protect and nurture their environment. Yes. Places of worships where congregations fear Satan, respect Yama King, recognize Hell as punishment will be binded by their souls due to their fear or beliefs. Preachers or Teachers who subject the fear of Hell into their believers are corrupted with Evil and these places of Worship must be avoided at all cost. Evil feeds from the fear and ignorance of innocent human souls.

Ghosts are evil energy masquerading as the dead person. When a person dies, it leaves an energy shell of its physical form after the soul passes on. Sometimes evil enters this shell and inhabits it and causes havoc. It’s then what human called ghost. It is very sad that humans are being mislead that their loved ones that pass on needs hell money etc. to be burned for them so they would have money to buy food so they would not go hungry. These beliefs bind their loved ones’ soul binded in the horrible Dark World.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

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