Saturday, 22 November 2014

Marriage (Part II)

Companions cohabitating together is like the usual meals you eat everyday. When one becomes bored with it, one might tend to find other varieties. Marriages are like home cooked banquet. Even if it’s a very small banquets, it’s the most sumptuous and appreciative. Having children after marriage is a banquet that is most appetizing and nurturing. To have children is one’s loves toward Creation. To be responsible for their well-being and welfare are a great and invaluable virtue and gratitude to your Creator and Creation.

                                                                                                                  Sakia Buddha

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Marriage (Part I)

The word and impression of love is very general and  imperfect. It can be good or bad. The greatest virtue is to nurture and guide our offsprings correctly so that they will cultivate wisdom. Nothing is perfect only will it be perfect. There are no perfect person as our marriage partner. It belongs to fairytales and make believes. Most importantly is, to live with each other imperfection and cultivate strengths thus eradicate weaknesses in one another. When one is truly in heart ready for marriage, they will attract like mindedness.

                                                                                                            Sakia Buddha

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Realization Instead of Gain Merits

How do we say that the teachers are wrong in their teachings when they haven’t reach the higher level of realization?

Just like a baby picking up anything on the floor and putting it into his mouth. We can’t says the baby is stupid or wrong because the realization is not there. Anything that we do, we must realize it not because to gain merits but we do it from our heart and we want this world to be a better place.

If one do it out of gaining merits, then it’s not beneficial. So its falsehood that religions ask us to do good to collect points so that we will go to Heaven.

 (Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)

Saturday, 1 November 2014

The Power of Mindfulness

When one is mindful, one will never be influenced by evil. People who are ignorant or weak will, not educate or improved themselves, lack self discipline will be influenced or even possessed by evil. 

Evil flees from people who are always trying to better and improved themselves, whether is in academic physiological or mental state. When one is positive in thinking, evil fears this most and will choose only those who are negative.

(Please  free  to  ask  any  question  pertaining  spirituality  and  i  will  try  to  answer  as  soon  as  possible)


Please free to ask any question pertaining spirituality and i will try to answer as soon as possible.