Saturday, 18 July 2015

To Live A Long Healthy Life, Eat Like The Poor People

There’s a saying. “to live a long healthy life, eat like the poor people”. When one look into this perspective, eat minimal and not overfill. Refrain from rich food or eating in fine restaurant. Its not always healthy and usually overcharged – perhaps once in awhile whereby for celebration.

“Please free to ask any question pertaining spirituality and I will try to answer as soon as possible”

Saturday, 4 July 2015

Eat to Live or Live to Eat?

All HIS creation are created with a purpose and also free will. Like even a gain of sand on the shore, it has a purpose. If we eat to live healthily then anything we eat has a good reason and purpose. Contrarily, if we live to eat, then this don’t have a good purpose. Is it wrong for lions to hunt and kill its prey e.g. an antelope? No. Why? Because the lions eat to live. Did the antelope died in vain? No. Why? Because its body has given the lions lifes and energy. In a way, its spiritual energy lives on in the lions positively.

“Please free to ask any question pertaining spirituality and I will try to answer as soon as possible”


Please free to ask any question pertaining spirituality and i will try to answer as soon as possible.