1) 每天做T轻拍一分钟,以增强免疫力。把它教授你所爱的人。那些没有得到指示的人可以从我或我们组的管理员那里得到。
2) 保持口腔和喉咙的湿润。每次感觉口干的时候,都要通过小口喝水来保持口腔和喉咙的湿润。这些尤其适用于糖尿病患者。保持喉咙湿润有助于防止喉咙和气道感染。不要喝冷水。
3) 当喉咙发痒或感觉疼痛时,尽快用盐水漱口。更有效的咽喉漱口的秘诀是在做的时候试着“唱”一首歌。对我来说,我唱完字母表之歌。做完后也记得用水漱口。
4) 当一个人感到恶心时,多喝温水并尝试排便。练习坐在马桶上,等待至少20分钟,直到排空为止。
5) GIGO。进去,出来。身体通常会获得最多15分钟的自卫免疫力,然后才会被疲劳压倒。进去,拿好你的东西,尽快离开,尤其是在封闭的区域,比如杂货店。
6) 在电梯中,始终面向电梯壁,以减少电梯中有其他人与您在一起时的感染风险。不交谈
7) 相信自己的鼻子。当你在一个封闭的地方或与某人在一起时,一旦你突然感到鼻子里有一种奇怪的刺激性感觉,可能会导致你打喷嚏,请迅速离开那个地方。在电梯里,尽可能快地到达下一层。
8) 发烧期间,不要服用非类固醇抗炎药(NSAIDs)作为止痛药。布洛芬就是其中之一。这些药物会加重胸部感染。扑热息痛将是最佳选择。
这是我认为 在38℃以下轻度发烧期间,不要像正常情况下那样服用止痛药。让你的身体自然的自我防御先“热身”,帮助杀死感染。多喝水,保持水分充足。不要洗温水、热水或冷水澡。发烧期间的洗澡时间应设定在温热到凉爽之间的温度。如果觉得冷,穿上衣服来保暖,并且总是在衣服被汗水打湿的时候换衣服。你的身体系统防御功能比你想象的要聪明得多。它使你感到寒冷,从而使你的身体进一步暖和你的身体以消除感染。
~天尊们的指示 17.01.2021
This year 2021 is as challenging as last year or perhaps even more. The most paramount investment for yourselves are staying safe and keeping your family safe during this Pandemic times. This will be the greatest profit you have or will make.
1) Always do the T-tapping even for a minute a day to increase your immunity. Teach that to your loved ones. Those who haven't got the Instructions can get from me or the Admins of our Group.
2) Always keep your mouth and throat moist by sipping water every time you feel your mouth is dry. These applied especially to Diabetics. Keeping the throat moist helps to prevent infection of the throat and airways. DO NOT drink cold water.
3) Throat gargle with salty water soonest possible when one's throat is itchy or feeling raw. The secret of a more effective throat gargle is to try to "sing" a song when doing it. For me I sing the Alphabet song to the finish. Remember to gargle with water too after doing it.
4) When one feel nauseous, drink plenty of warm water and try to move the bowel. Make a practise to sit at bowl and wait for it for at least about 20 minutes until everything is clear out.
5) GIGO. Go In Get Out. The body usually got a self defense immunity for the max 15 minutes before it can gets overwhelmed. Go in, get your things and get out of the premises asap especially in enclosed areas like Groceries/Sundries Shops.
6) When in lifts, always face the lifts wall to lessen the risk of infection when there are others with you in the lifts. Never converse
7) Trust your nose. As soon as you feel a strange irritating sensation suddenly in your nose that might cause you to sneeze when you're in an enclosed place or with someone, quickly excuse yourself from that place. In a lift, try to get out to the next floor soonest possible.
8) During fever, DO NOT take NSAIDs medication for painkiller. Ibuprofen is one of them.These medications can aggravate chest infection. Paracetamol will be the best option.
This is what I believe During mild fever below 38°C, do not take painkiller as normal. Let your body natural self defense "warm up" first to help kill the infection. Drink plenty of water and keep hydrated. DO NOT take warm, hot or cold bath. Bath during fever should be set at most tolerable between luke warm and cool. If one feels the chills, wear to keep one warm and always change the clothing when it's wet from the sweat. Your body systems defense is much more intelligent then you think. It give you the chills so that it can warm your body further to kill off the infection.
~ Heavenly Beings 17.01.2021