Friday, 19 May 2023

Good Deed Good Karma (GDGK) Day / 善行善业日

GDGK Day this month of May will fall on the 26th. Special Note is that Bhaisajya Guru Buddha will specially Preside over this Day. Those who have chronic or long standing illness can chant his Mantra and be a vegan for this day. Doing some good deeds will help to amplify the Special Blessings from Bhaisajya Guru Buddha. ~HBs 9/5/2023 五月份的善行善业日落在26日。特别注意的是,这一天将由药师佛住持。那些患有慢性或长期疾病的人可以在这一天唱诵佛的咒语,吃素。还有做一些善行将有助于扩大来自药师佛的特加持。 ~天尊们 9.5.2023 Namo Bhagavate Bhaisajyaguru Baidurya Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arhate Samyaksam Buddhaya Tadyatha Om Bhaisajye Bhaisajye Bhaisajya Samudgate Svaha


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